Galaxia Bárból Belvárosi Étteremre


 I want to warn you not to go to Bar Galaxia in Budapest as it is obviously a tourist rip off place, turist trap, turist traps,  Most expensive bars in Budapest, Budapest,  V. kerület,  belváros, Galaxia Bar, Belvarosi étterem, Bécsi utca, Warning, achtung! The new name of the infamous Galaxia Bar is Belvaros etterem (restaurant).

a régi-új Belváros étterem
(a néhai Galaxia Bar költségtakarékosan átpingált cégére)
A hírhedt Galaxia Bár a tavalyi felvételén

turist trap, turist traps, Budapest,  V. kerület,  belváros, Galaxia Bar, Belvarosi étterem, Bécsi utca, Most expensive bars in Budapest,


Warning, achtung!
The new name of the infamous Galaxia Bar is Belvarosi etterem (restaurant).

A budapesti vendéglátós rablótanyákat bemutató sorozatunk folytatódik, most a nemrég nevet változtatott Galaxia Bar-t mutogatjuk, amely legújabban Belváros étterem néven zsebeli ki a turistákat.

Bécsi utca, Budapest blog, V. kerület, scamming bars, Galaxia, Budapest, most expensive bars, legdrágább kocsmák, belvárosi étterem, belváros, Rogán Antal, turist trap, turist traps, turistacsapdaEgy étterem disztletei között))) Turistákra szakosodott, párban vadászó konzumpicsák leszólítják a turistát (adjon egy tűzet/ merre van a …/ ismer-e egy jó kocsmát), hülye turista meg megy, nem ismeri a Váci utca ezen specialitását: rablás engedéllyel. Az “étterem”-nek álcázott rablótanya ugyanis annyi pénzt kér a becsalt turistától, amennyit nem szégyell. És itt nem szégyellős emberek tevékenykednek. A vendéglátás parazitái ők, ungarische spezialität, Magyarország hírnevének szorgos rongálói. És a hatóságok a jelek szerint tehetetlenek ezen pofátlan rablók esetében, vadkapitalizmus van, szabadáras minden. Az árak különben is fel vannak tüntetve a kirakat üvegén, miért nem használják a szemüket a profi pasifogó szárazkurváktól bekísért balfaszok.

Most expensive / scamming bars in Budapest:
Tea 1000 forint, Capuccino 2000 forint

Heineken, Budweiser 0,33 l = 4000 forint (kb. 14 EUR)
Coca-Cola 0,2 l = 4000 forint (14 euró)
Törley pezsgő 0.2 l = 17000 forint (60 euró)
Ballatines Whiskey 4 cl = 9000 forint (32 EUR)
Tokaji 6 puttonyos 0.5 literes palack = 50000 HUF (kb. 178 EUR)
Don Perignon 0.7 l palack = 80000 forint (285 EUR)

az árakat 280 forintos árfolyammal számoltuk euróra

Belvárosi Étterem
(formerly known as Galaxia Restaurant Disco Bar)
adewss/ cím: 1052 Budapest, Bécsi utca 3 (az OTP bankkal srégen szemben, az V. kerületi önkormányzattól kb. 2 perc járóföldre)

Milyen meglepő, hogy ugyanaz a “menedzsment” dolgozik itt is, mint a Városközpont étteremben. Nem okoz problémát két “éttermet” és “konyhát” vezetni. Elvégre közel vannak egymáshoz ezek a turistacsapdák.

Üzletvezető: Túros József
konyhafőnök: Dudás György

A tulaj/owner vélhetőleg ugyanaz: Balaton Vendéglátó Kft
Budapest, Mérleg utca 14

Budapest,  V. kerület,  belváros, Galaxia Bar, Belvarosi étterem, Bécsi utca

néhány élménybeszámoló a magyar turizmus ezen csodájáról a oldalról:

Mike “I believe there are plenty of alternative destinations in eastern europe.”

overprices drinks, Balaton Vendéglátó Kft, turist trap, Budapest, scamming bars, V. kerület,  belváros, Galaxia Bar, Belvarosi étterem, Bécsi utcaI was scammed in the Galaxia pretty much by the same method as previously described.

After a full day seminar I was looking for a place that sold water – I like to keep at least one liter in my room for brushing teeth, hangovers aso. On the main walking street two student like girls approached me asking for directions, I showed them my map.
Now, the beauty of the scam was the ability of these girls to make me believe I was making my own decisions. I was pretty much aware that a scam was taking place, but could not figure it out due to the almost childlike simplicity of it. It ended up with myself taking the two girls to the bar (Galaxia) in which I could buy the water, they kindly offered me a traditional Hungarian drink and made excellent conversation. I was focusing heavily on what was put in my glass, don’t want to pass out in a strange town. The girls wanted to eat but where indecisive, I told them I had to leave.

The tab for three drinks was 67000HUF which by any standard is a high price (around 230 euro).
I realized I was the only guest there, a part from three waitresses and a large man blocking the exit.
Swapped menu’s were presented to me. Things become quite heated and I was pretty certain that it would become physical at some point. Luckily my cheap bastards skills came through, I quickly made the decision to play along and payed ‘my’ part of the bill 21000HUF in cash. In my home town that would be double pricing of three drinks, besides I can’t get much dentistry work done for that.
The splitting of the bill distracted the party into multiple arguments even if they were mostly for show. Apart from an outspoken keenness to acquire my credit card, I was able to leave without violence even though a bit of sidestepping and confusion was needed.

Needless to say I did not take a direct route to my hotel and I resorted to using the local water for brushing my teeth. The experience was quite bad as I truly believed I was going to have to fight my way out (which was probably a reasonable assumption). I am not going back to Budapest and I discourage anyone from going there, not because of this single incident, but in addition to the numerous other scams you have to be aware of (taxi’s, local transport, restaurants etc.)- I believe there are plenty of alternative destinations in eastern europe.

barry: Please stay away from Budapest and Galaxia Bar

I went on a three day ‘break’ to budapest having been made redundant from my job. On the first night I was walking down the main street of what I thought was a decent area. Approached by two ladies who seemed normal looking for irish bar..they suggested going for a drink. Galaxia bar just happened to be near by…I ended up paying 500 euro from a bill of 800 euro amid some angry scenes and threats- in the end i had to do a runner – the bar is run by crinimals- I feel very down about how I trusted these people and how there is no one to turn to in this hellish city…I went home the next morning, cutting my trip short. Please stay away from Budapest and Galaxia Bar.


overprices drinks, Balaton Vendéglátó Kft, turist trap, Budapest, scamming bars, V. kerület,  belváros, Galaxia Bar, Belvarosi étterem, Bécsi utcaGALAXIA IST EIN MAFIA LOKAL!!!


dude: I went to the police station later, but they can not really do anything
NEVER go to this bar or let you guide to this place by wonderful looking girls. The same happened to me. My bill was around 180000 HUF. I went to the police station later, but they can not really do anything. The money is lost.

ajánlott olvasmány: a Galaxia bárról (feltűnően izmos bárzenészek, ártatlan küllemű behívólánykák, átbaszott amcsik)

overprices drinks, Balaton Vendéglátó Kft, turist trap, Budapest, scamming bars, V. kerület,  belváros, Galaxia Bar, Belvarosi étterem, Bécsi utcaJust a few bars in, almost choreographed, the bartender walks up to the table and informs us that its time for us to go. “The credit machine is broken and we will need to pay in cash. You maybe need ATM? “She hands us the bill and shock sets in. Shock, when taken out of context actually looks funny when on the faces of friends. The confusion in the eyes, the self doubt, the brain turning on itself searching for the critical system error. And then you take the bill and it hits you too. “Not 40,000 HUF. 4000HUF. That’s 4,000 right? 1,2,3,4 no that’s 40,000 but how much is that in U.S. Dollars?” The music is still paying and the bartender is flexing her muscles. And the werewolf at the piano is watchful and smiling. “That’s over $250 US! That cant be right. Excuse me but there’s a mistake.” I say as I stand up to show her the bill. “No Mistake.” She says flatly. And she produces a menu. And now I notice there are menus on all the tables. Menus that were not there when we sat down. “Why don’t I call the police!” I say. But she just smiles, and as we both know this is a hollow threat. I don’t even know how to call the police in Hungary and I doubt she’ll let me borrow the phone. Running is not an option, as there is far too much experienced muscle between us and the door and besides we couldn’t leave these nice girls here to fend for themselves. So we start digging for cash. The girls are simple outraged. Black eyes says “I feel so bad!” How can they do this? It is terrible.” And with that she drops $10K HUf on the table.

In my heart I knew it was all a lie. But what could I do. We were not leaving without paying.

Kapcsolódó bejegyzés: Városközpont étterem (Fontana)

Egy hozzászólás »

  1. Same place, same story, two girls, 172,000 later I’m marched to the ATM (US$900 bill)
    The next night I had four different sets of two girls approach me for information/drinks, 3 sets wanted to know if I had a map, I didn’t go there again and one month later I am still bitter taht I was duped.

    Many stories on the web that are the same as mine (and above), I spent 7 weeks in Europe and although I had an attempted pickpocketing and a couple of potential short changings nothing like this happened to me before, some of the stories are quite scary.

    I have tried writing to the tourist police and my embassy, but no one seems to care. I suspect it is part of an overall corruption process that feeds politicians up the food chain.
    Do not go there, avoid Budapest in general, the people cannot be trusted and besides that the wine is crap and the food isn’t much better.

  2. Nice scam. Two innocent looking ladies, pretending to be teachers from the country-side looking for a bar that plays music. I point them to a bar, they tell me it’s not a nice one. I wonder whether there is a nice bar playing music, she says. And then she seems to know this place, let’s go there, there is music. Two men play some swing, nobody else in there. The drink fruit juice as if there is no tomorrow, the waitress keeps coming round every two minutes asking ‘Driiinks? Vant mor driiinks?’ in her shrill voice. Ft36000 for 5 fruit juices (between the two) and a beer for me. Obviously the credit card machine is just not working. I feel duped, I feel embarassed that I have let this happen to me.
    Though must say, reading that I was not the only one to fall for this scam makes me feel a bit better.
    Two things to bear in mind:
    – if you pay by Visa, you can always contest the charge later on. They know, that’s why the terminal is coincidentally not working.
    – please do go back to the bar. I will. And I won’t go alone. The one thing bullies hate most is to be bullied.
