Category Archives: brutalist

Preston Bus Station: brutalizmus


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Preston, bus station

Preston, bus station

Preston Bus Station, brutalizmus, architecture, brutalism, brutalist, brutalista, brutalizmus, béton brut, Le Corbuisier, modernizmus, raw concrete. Akit érdekel, olvasson utána.

Preston Bus Station
Preston Bus Station (wiki)

Built in 1968 and 1969 with a capacity for 80 double-decker buses and designed by Keith Ingham (designer) and Charles Wilson of Building Design Partnership with E H Stazicker, some claim that it is the second largest bus station in Western Europe.[1] Pedestrian access to the Bus Station is through any of three subways while the design also incorporates a multi-storey car park of five floors with space for 1100 cars.

The building’s engineers, Ove Arup and Partners, designed the distinctive curve of the car park balconies “after acceptable finishes to a vertical wall proved too expensive, contributing to the organic, sculptural nature of the building. The edges are functional, too, in that they protect car bumpers from crashing against a vertical wall. The cover balustrade protects passengers from the weather by allowing buses to penetrate beneath the lower parking floor.”

Preston Bus Station (wiki)

The building is threatened with demolition as part of the City Council’s Tithebarn redevelopment project. In 2000, opposition to the demolition led to a failed application for listed building status by English Heritage. Preston Borough Council (as it then was) opposed the application.
Putting forward the case for a smaller terminus, a report, commissioned by the council and Grosvenor in 2000, stated that “buses arriving and leaving the bus station have very low bus occupancy rates indicating that passengers alight and board elsewhere in the town centre. The bus station car park similarly suffers from the poor pedestrian linkages.”  Listing was subsequently rejected.
On October 11, 2005, Preston City Council and developer Grosvenor Holdings signed an agreement to go ahead with the Tithebarn redevelopment project, which calls for the demolition of the current bus station.
A survey conducted by the Lancashire Evening Post in May 2010 found that Preston Bus Station was Preston peoples’ favourite building. (wiki)

Kapcsolódó: brutalizmus Kolozsvárott

Brutalizmus Kolozsvárott


telefonközpont, centrala telefonica, Posta,  Erdély, Vasile Mitrea, Le Corbuisier, modernizmus, Ceausescu, brutalism, brutalista, béton brut, raw concrete, építészet, brutalizmus, architecture, Cluj, Telefonpalota“Pentaconta”, Drakula laka

Egy brutalista betonszarkofág Kolozsvár történelmi városközpontjában, még a Kárpátok Géniuszának Aranykorából (Ceausescu, na). Megjegyezzük, hogy ez a funkcionalista-modernista-betonbarokk épület a Ceausescu-korszak későbbi, szocreál ihletettségű épületei mellett igen progresszívnak tűnik. Minden relatív, ugyebár. Olyannyira, hogy némelyek műemléknek nyilvánítanák.

Építés: 1969-1979 (két szakaszban)
Építész: Vasile Mitrea

A Ceausescu-kor kezdeti, “liberális ” szakaszában az építészeken (is) enyhült a politikai-ideológiai nyomás, kissé fellélegzett az istenadta nép. Akkoriban senki nem sejtette a nyolcvanas évek sztálinista diktatúrájának eljövetelét, mindenki reménykedni kezdett az emberarcúban. Javult az ellátás, az életszínvonal, a szocreál olcsó csicsája helyett néhány modernista alkotás is született, mint például a most bemutatott, Le Corbusier nyomdokvizein belengetett betonkocka.

Mivel a telefónia berendezései a technikai fejlődés következtében jelentősen kisebb helyen elférnek, az épület néhány emeletén irodák működnek (értelemszerűen kissé sötétek, amolyan drakulásan)

Erdély, Vasile Mitrea, Le Corbuisier, modernizmus, Ceausescu, brutalism, brutalista, béton brut, raw concrete, építészet, brutalizmus, architecture, Cluj, Telefonpalota
Erdély, Vasile Mitrea, Le Corbuisier, modernizmus, Ceausescu, brutalism, brutalista, béton brut, raw concrete, építészet, brutalizmus, architecture, Cluj, Telefonpalota
Erdély, Vasile Mitrea, Le Corbuisier, modernizmus, Ceausescu, brutalism, brutalista, béton brut, raw concrete, építészet, brutalizmus, architecture, Cluj, Telefonpalota
Erdély, Vasile Mitrea, Le Corbuisier, modernizmus, Ceausescu, brutalism, brutalista, béton brut, raw concrete, építészet, brutalizmus, architecture, Cluj, Telefonpalota

P.s: Critics argue that this abstract nature of Brutalism makes the style unfriendly and uncommunicative, instead of being integrating and protective, as its proponents intended. Brutalism also is criticised as disregarding the social, historic, and architectural environment of its surroundings, making the introduction of such structures in existing developed areas appear starkly out of place and alien. The failure of positive communities to form early on in some Brutalist structures, possibly due to the larger processes of urban decay that set in after World War II (especially in the United Kingdom), led to the combined unpopularity of both the ideology and the architectural style. (wiki)

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